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“Throughout the ages the Yogis have taught methods for creating balance. They have long understood that what we think affects the way we feel, and that what we eat, drink and do tour bodies affects the way we think.”Chris Kilham, Take Charge of Your Health: The Mind/Body Relationship

Healing with Yogatherapy and Nutrition
Chris Kilham
Japan Publications 1985


Health consultant Chris Kilham offers a complete guide to personal fitness that involves the whole person, mind as well as body. Kilham combines yoga postures and dietary changes, vitamins and meditation, fasting and herbal knowledge into a unique all-around health care system that leads to mental well-being and physical fitness. This book will appeal to anyone who wants to take command of his or her own health and find a more fulfilling, satisfied life. Readers interested in diet and natural foods, in exercise, and in meditation will find common ground in Kilham’s carefully developed, integrated approach. Step-by-step, readers will learn dozens of ways of adjusting their diets, based on natural food systems and modern nutrition science. These are combined with specific yoga techniques for lasting changes in one’s personal health practices and outlook. A valuable how-to book for ordinary individuals, Take Charge of Your Health is also an important reference for natural health trainers, nutritionists, and anyone in the healing arts. It offers a comprehensive wealth of information with broad applications to various health programs.

“Yogis have long understood that the mind and body are thoroughly interwoven, each affecting the other. The mind and body are not in fact separate and distinct but are interdependent components of the whole person. Throughout the ages the Yogis have taught methods for creating balance. They have long understood that what we think affects the way we feel, and that what we eat, drink and do tour bodies affects the way we think. There can be no separation of function, except for the enlightened adept who has transcended the limitations of the body/mind by assiduous practice of meditation.”Chris Kilham, Take Charge of Your Health: The Mind/Body Relationship