Ideas For your delight: a complete guide to the achievement of long-lasting, intense sexual fulfillment is offered. Yogic traditions, special positions, nutritional information, aphrodisiacs and other inspiring ideas are shared here to help people enhance the quality and duration of their sexual experience.
Beautifully illustrated, this volume leads the reader into the quest of “riding the wave of sexual bliss” for hours. The author reveals certain little known secrets of Egyptian Sex Magic, Tantric Yoga and the Tao of Sex which can promote incredibly satisfying lovemaking. Stimulating ideas and exercises are presented and enhanced by the artist’s work.
“When yin and yang unite, there is harmony and balance. Each one needs the other. According to the Tantrics and Taoists, when there is a properly balanced union of yin and yang, the health and longevity are the inevitable results. Their understanding is that if yin energy (woman) and yang energy (man) intermingle for prolonged periods, they nourish each other and Chi pours for abundantly. With this purpose in mind, the core practices of Taoist and Tantric sex promote prolonged intercourse, sustaining joyful sexual union for greatly extended periods of time.” – Chris Kilham, Stalking the Wild Orgasm