Shaman's Pharmacy student Sam Billings, with Amazonian Tarantula. Photo by: Zoe Helene © 2010
"The Shaman’s Pharmacy was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was ten of the best days of my life, though I wish it lasted so much longer!
Chris has a superb knowledge of how and why these plants work the way the do. He also has an uncanny confidence (and familiarity) of how to be a strong leader in a foreign country. He certainly taught me more in less than two weeks than one might expect to learn in multiple semesters in a conventional college classroom setting.
At the University of Massachusetts, medicinal plants and the ways in which they grow and are harvested are a key part of my studies. There is no way I could have ever gained the knowledge I did other than by going on a trip like this one. It takes seeing these things in person to truly understand them.
Experiencing the rainforest and its bountiful biodiversity is not only staggering but deeply inspiring as well. We were lucky enough to have guides that were among the most gracious, brilliant, and fun people I know! The food was incredible, the lodge beautiful, and I felt incredibly safe the entire time.
Without the help of "The Zoe’s!" (Zoe Helene and Zoe Gardner) this trip would not have been the same. Chris would agree that there are not two more perfect coordinators, teachers and friends to bring on such an adventure. As a team, our group of leaders was able to organize, facilitate, teach and enjoy a truly spectacular trip!"
- Sam Billings, Student, The Shaman's Pharmacy 2010