Inner Traditions is proud to announce a new edition of this popular yoga classic, by Christopher S. Kilham. Click on the image above to ORDER A COPY.
Founded in 1975, Inner Traditions is a leading publisher of books on indigenous cultures, perennial philosophy, visionary art, ancient mysteries, spiritual traditions of the East and West, sexuality, holistic health and healing, self-development, as well as recordings of ethnic music and accompaniments for meditation.
In July 2000, Bear & Company joined with Inner Traditions and moved from Santa Fe, New Mexico, where it was founded in 1980, to Rochester, Vermont. Together Inner Traditions · Bear & Company have eleven imprints: Inner Traditions, Bear & Company, Healing Arts Press, Destiny Books, Park Street Press, Bindu Books, Bear Cub Books, Destiny Recordings, Destiny Audio Editions, Inner Traditions en Español, and Inner Traditions India.
Started back in 1975 in a small office in New York City, Inner Traditions • Bear & Company now has 11 imprints and, as of January 2009, more than 1,200 titles in print across a wide and eclectic range of subjects. The company is considered one of the largest and oldest publishing houses in the world devoted exclusively to the subjects of spirituality, esotericism, and alternative health and healing. Its founder and publisher, Ehud C. Sperling, has often been asked, “What is your role as a book publisher?” He replies, “To seed the dream of humanity. We must determine the worthiness of the author’s ideas, publish them, and then watch. Every book has its own life, its own destiny. Our work is to put the finest ideas into the hands of our readers and let destiny unfold.”
Inner Traditions • Bear & Company has published several books authored by Chris Kilham. Among them are:
- The Five Tibetans: 5 Dynamic Exercises for Health, Energy & Personal Power
- Kava: Medicine Hunting in Paradise
- The Whole Food Bible: How to Select & Prepare Safe, Healthful Foods

Inner Traditions is proud to announce a new edition of this popular yoga classic, by Christopher S. Kilham. The Five Tibetans has established itself as a classic among yoga practitioners and teachers alike. In this new edition the author shares his own positive experiences from more than 30 years’ devotion to the practice, even during his extensive worldwide travels, and explores the spiritual benefits of the Five Tibetans as well as the profound impact the practice has on health, longevity, and healthy aging. The Five Tibetans has been a consistent best-seller for almost 20 years and has been translated in over 20 languages.
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“In The Five Tibetans, Chris Kilham offers a simple yet profound practice that promotes health and longevity, is centering, and leads to peace of mind. Chris is a jewel among men!” – Nicki Doane, Master Yogi
“A time-honored classic that belongs in every yoga library. A true yogi, Chris’ voice is strong, sensitive, and clear, his calling deep and genuine.” – Deepak Chopra
“I've been practicing the Five Tibetans ever since Chris taught them to me over 20 years ago. It is knowing their power that encouraged me to ask Chris to share his knowledge through what has become one of our best selling books, translated into dozens of languages.” - Ehud Sperling, Publisher, Inner Traditions International