Chris Kilham and Dr. Manny
Chris appeared as The FOX News Medicine Hunter and on FOX News, online and in the US and international television markets. This activity put Medicine Hunter in position to play an influential role in advancing the conversation about medicinal plants.
To see a complete list of Medicine Hunter TV on Fox News, click here.

Dr. Manny & The Medicine Hunter
Chris' segments with Dr. Manny Alvarez on FOX News have featured numerous botanicals including acai, yerba mate, garlic, ginger, turmeric, hot chiles, red wine, chocolate, rhodiola, goji, and other beneficial plants.

FOX News Column
Chris writes a weekly health column on FOX News Health as the Medicine Hunter. Articles promote benefits of plant medicines, and informs readers about traditional use and scientific evidence. The site gets over one million unique visits daily.

Nature's Medicine Cabinet
From the mountains of China to the South Pacific, nature is full of remedies that can cure your everyday ailments. Come with Chris Kilham, The Medicine Hunter, as he travels around the world in search of herbs and plants.

Weird Foods
On occasion, Chris faces some very weird foods. Customs are different in various cultures, and often foods are strange at best. From fried scorpions to brain ravioli and penis noodle soup, he tries them all. It's part of the strange if occasionally unsettling path of medicine hunting. Bon appetite!

Fox News Health Talk
Chris writes a weekly health column on FOX News Health as the Medicine Hunter. Alternative Health articles promote benefits of plant medicines, and informs readers about traditional use and scientific evidence. The site gets over one million unique visits daily.

Food as Medicine
When Hippocrates said “Let your food be your medicine,” it wasn’t a metaphor. As Hippocrates knew, we can eat a diet of nutritiously rich, highly protective foods that act equally as nourishment and medicine. From garlic to purple berries, we can eat to live in vibrant health.
FOX News is the big dog in the international news media scene. Given the strong right-wing politics of many of the high-profile news commentators on FOX, the network at first blush may seem an unlikely home for Medicine Hunter segments. But FOX News and Dr Manny Alvarez have consistently been gracious, welcoming, superbly professional, and fearless in their support of natural medicine and the segments in which Chris Kilham participates. It’s a new day.