In the ayahuasca space, people have unusual and extraordinary experiences of all kinds. Some feel great sadness. Some are swept away in ecstatic joy. Some resolve tenacious health disorders. And some battle demons. And when the demons are vanquished, then people experience a great lifting of long-held burdens. Sadness, depression, grief, and other soul-constricting forces are released, replaced by a greater sense of wholeness and relief.
This is why ayahuasca is referred to as La Medicina, the medicine. In a multitude of ways, some simple and some abjectly strange, ayahuasca helps to restore balance to body, mind and spirit. The ways seem infinite, often hard to fathom. But the effects are generally very, very good. People are relieved of pain and suffering, and their lives become more satisfying and fulfilled. So demons be damned. Whatever they are, and however they come about, the medicine works, and that is its great purpose.
“The visionary plants enable people to experience nature and spiritual states in profound ways. They heal persistent disorders of both physical and mental nature. Properly employed, they can open up new ways of perception, and enable a person to live a more integrated, fulfilled life. These plants are not for everybody, but they are for many.” - Chris Kilham, Organic Authority
See also: Ayahuasca Test Pilots.

Is Ayahuasca Right For You?
Read Christian Williams of UTNE Reader's review of Chris Kilham's latest book, The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook: The Essential Guide to Ayahuasca Journeying, a “backpack guide to the healing powers of the sacred Amazonian medicine,” and listen to the Listen to the “Chris Kilham on Ayahuasca” Abstract Notions Podcast.

Ayahuasca, Healing and Spirit
Chris Kilham, founder of The Ayahuasca Test Pilots, on the healing, transformative and spirit-imbuing powers of ayahuasca, at the March 2015 Ayahuasca Monologues in New York City, sponsored by Evolver.

Is Ayahuasca a Healing Treatment?
For years Chris Kilham, The Medicine Hunter, has told Fox News Health about all his far off adventures and all the best natural remedies for what ails you. He’s written a new book called The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook: The Essential Guide to Ayahuasca Journeying, which is all about the unusual plant-based treatment, providing a practical guide to ayahuasca use, aiding seekers in making right—and safe—decisions about where to go, who to drink with, and what to expect.

Ayahuasca Can Help You Communicate with Plant Spirits, and Heal Your Body and Mind
Drink ayahuasca and you may see yourself being eaten by a crocodile. You may find a miraculous resolution to a crippling sadness. Or, more likely, you’ll land somewhere in between. Regardless, you will definitely throw up. Author and ethnobotanist Chris Kilham says all of these things have happened to him after drinking this psychoactive Amazonian brew.

Here's What It Feels Like To Drink The Hallucinogenic Amazonian Brew Ayahuasca
Kilham describes what it's like to drink the bitter brew “ayahuasca” and describes how it can act as a spiritually healing substance when taken correctly in the proper environment.