Barbara Maas

About Dr. Barbara Maas

Dr. Barbara Maas has worked in international wildlife conservation for over two decades and on every continent. A lifelong passion for and deep sense of kinship with the natural world has been the guiding principle throughout her life. A zoologist by training, she studied the behavior of bat-eared foxes in the Serengeti for her PhD at the University of Cambridge before taking up a postdoctoral position at Oxford University. Barbara left academia in 1995 to dedicate herself to promoting conservation and animal welfare. Since then she has worked in senior roles for various international organizations. She first became aware of Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins during a marine conservation appointment in the New Zealand’s civil service. Her work has influenced international policy and legislation across a wide range of issue. She contributed to several wildlife programs and is a well published author. Dr. Maas currently works as Head of Endangered Species Conservation for Germany’s oldest and largest conservation organization, NABU International.

Email: barbara.maas@nabu.de
Phone: +44-(0)7970987742
Web: www.nabu-International.de
Web: www.hectorsdolphins.com

Barbara’s Press Release: http://www.hectorsdolphins.com/news-releases.html

This is Barbara: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C040fmm6jj4&feature=autoplay&list=UULiwho...